Sunday, January 23, 2005

Big Dreams and Hubris

A simple news search on the internet for “hubris” in relation to the 2005 inaugural speech yields multiple media reports from major world news groups, all concluding that President Bush is dangerously naïve, and arrogant. There is however, another way to view what is being called his “liberty” speech, which is to say that it was full daring dreams, goals and aspirations. Here are some other instances in our history where we dared exercised such hubris.

It was hubris to believe we as a people could carve a living across the sea, cut off from help, in a new world.

It was hubris for 13 colonies to declare that god gave them the power and right to do the impossible and break away from its king, the head of the most powerful military force on Earth at the time, much less actually win its liberty from that king.

It was hubris to believe we could soon forge those 13 liberated colonies into 1 nation, a republic, and defend it against the great powers of the world.

It was hubris for that nation to survive a civil war, killing hundreds of thousands of its own people, and end up providing liberty to slaves.

It was hubris for our nation, to believe it could, cross an ocean and turn the tide of war in Europe and rescue, England, France, and much of the modern world, which had only 100 years sooner tried to destroy us.

It was hubris to believe we as a nation could survive the destruction of our economy in 1929 and see nearly 25% unemployment.

It was hubris to soon after that economic destruction, take our nation to war, without the bulk of our pacific fleet, against not just Japan in the pacific, which attacked us, but against Germany. It was then ultra hubris to believe we would come in time to save, yet again, England, France and most of the modern world.

It was hubris to rebuild our enemies and turn them into allies.

It was hubris to believe that we would survive the cold war and that communism would one-day all but collapse, like a falling wall.

It was hubris to strive, and work for civil rights, when most of the politically democratic south vowed to never accept it.

It was hubris to set the goal of going to the moon and returning within a decade, and succeed so much that it became boring to most of the world.

It was hubris to believe we could get a coalition of nations to kick Iraq out of its neighboring state, as quickly as we did. (What happened to the media’s daunting, battle hardened, Republican Guard?)

Most recently, it was hubris to believe we could invade, capture, and now, soon spread liberty to the peoples of Iraq. We are one week away from elections.

If this is hubris, I pray we never run out.

“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?” Jalal ad-Din Rumi, 13 Century Persian poet and mystic.

To arms!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Bait and Switch

Who knew a one word switch can make such a difference?

Freedom of Religion: What the framers of the U.S. Constitution intended this country to have. Faith is a source of strength to society and must not be controlled or limited. After all, many of the framer’s ancestors fled Europe to practice their religion without governmental control.

Freedom from Religion: What those who want to control religion insist was the framer’s intent. Faith is offensive and a threat to society and must be controlled and limited.

Freedom of Speech: What the framers of the U.S. Constitution intended this country to have. Competing ideas serve society well. After all, many of the framer’s ancestors fled Europe so they would never fear from the peaceful expression of ideas.

Freedom from Speech: What those who want to control speech insist was the framer’s intent. Competing ideas are offensive and a threat to society and must be controlled and limited.

Switch one word, and we are what we fled. Why does it make sense to destroy a thing in the name of protecting it?

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." Abraham Lincoln

To Arms!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

And Now, Public Service Spot # 2.

(From time to time, in the interest of balance I will let a left wing group post to this blog. Here is another public service spot from our friends in the blue states.)

An important message from ME-POOT (MILITARY EXPERTS for the PROTECTION OF OUR TROOPS) on the unsafe conditions our troops find themselves in while at war.

Lets face it, just because we are at war doesn’t mean our troops should be in any danger at all. True, this war has been against an entrenched, insane, suicidal, radical, uncompromising, fanatical enemy, refighting the crusades, and looking for the sweet sweet love of 40 virgins, but that is no excuse for us to let our brave, misguided, troops get upset or hurt.

We, who have the benefit of not having any military experience, knowledge or education to clutter up our thinking, hereby demand that the following steps be taken to protect our troops from harm, at least while they are at war, maybe longer.

Step one: Armor all our troops against all forms of attack, whether biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, racial, astral, or karmic.

Step Two: If step one doesn’t work, place them in armored Humvee jeeps, which will be hardened against all forms of attack, whether biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, racial, astral, or karmic.

Step Three: If steps one and two don’t work, place those armored Humvee jeeps, inside large titanium sided tanks, which will be hardened against all forms of attack, whether biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, racial, astral, or karmic.

Step Four: If steps one, two, or three don’t work, place those armored Humvee jeeps, inside the large titanium sided tanks, inside emplacements made of 12 foot thick diamond siding, which will be hardened against all forms of attack, whether biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, racial, astral, or karmic.

Step Five: If steps one, two, three, or four don’t work, place those armored Humvee jeeps, inside the large titanium sided tanks, inside emplacements made of 12 foot thick diamond siding, inside the center of the earth, which will be hardened against all forms of attack, whether biological, chemical, conventional, nuclear, racial, astral, or karmic.

True, some of these steps may take time and funds for technology to be created, but it can be funded and accelerated by confiscating and selling all places of worship, raising the tax rate on rich Americans making $20,000/ year or more, and impeaching every Republican who ever took office. (OOOOOOOOOOOOO! I think I am going to orgasm…. No don’t type that! Ok take that last part out Wendy, before you print this PSA will you? Thanks. Now where was I?)

If the President Select Bush fails to immediately show his ability to reach out to the otherside, by not imposing the above small, reasonable, moderate steps, then it is clear he wants to kill our troops, and must be impeached retroactive to the time he was infecting his mother as a glob of tissue in the womb. After all, he could save our troops by just surrendering. Sure its easy to say that hugs and understanding won’t work when the enemy is trying to kill you, but can you really know for sure if you haven’t tried it?

Our thanks to the old media for helping further our cause.

ME-POOT, is affiliated with 527 organization.

("It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton, Jr. ------ To Arms!)

Thursday, September 16, 2004


A historical document regarding John Kerry’s war record was faxed to me by an irrefutable and unimpeachable source. Sure the author of this document happens to be conveniently dead. Here is the text of this important historical, real, truthful, perfectly acceptable, believable, document:

---Bellevue Hospital Psycho Ward fax Number 212-975-2787--------------

Brooklyn, July 21st, 1776.

Memo: CYA – Lt. Kerry

From: Gen. George Washington, CICCA. (Commander in Chief of the Continental Army)

To: File

John Kerry once again asked why we were fighting our lawful King when so many people didn’t even own a bed warmer. He said if he were king it would be free leaches for everyone.

He complained about his knee scrape and demanded a medal of valor for tripping on his own haversack. I told him to go get leached and forget about any medal.

Regarding the rumors about Kerry and Martha, BA (Benedict Arnold) informed me that, on his personal honor, his best friend John would never talk to Martha behind my back.

Martha says he did and that he specifically asked her how rich we are and what her plans are if I get killed in the war.

Some days I wish I had let Adams be CICCA, the little twerp.


Remember even if this was a fake document it’s the GODS HONEST TRUTH until John Kerry disproves it. Who knew the end justified the means?

To arms!!!

Monday, August 30, 2004

And Now a Public Service Message.

(From time to time, in the interest of balance I will let a left wing group post to this blog. Here is a public service address from that group.)

A Public Service Address From:
People against People (PAP)

A call to action! Lets clear the air.

People cause the creation of a substance that is toxic and can in certain circumstances cause the death of, and in most circumstances the great discomfort of, people. Here is the silent but deadly killer:


It poses an immediate fire and explosion hazard when mixed with air at concentrations exceeding 5.0%. High concentrations that can cause rapid suffocation are within the flammable range and should not be entered. Symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, incoordination, lethargy, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and disorientation. Continued lack of oxygen may result in convulsions, loss of consciousness and death. In high concentrations it may cause harm to an unborn child.

U.S. (human-caused) emissions totaled 28.8 million metric tons per year.

Human Methane! This situation stinks and cannot be held in anymore. Sure matches help but they pose a fire hazard. Big methane has blocked this information in order to generate more profits. We can no longer blame this on the dog. The only, sole possible single solution is for the federal government to designate the entire country a person free zone. We also call on the remaining countries of the world to drive this biohazard from the face of the earth so we don’t discomfort or kill other living creatures. Anything else is unacceptable.


Thank you.

Cire Ayomed, President of PAP

(Well, between protecting man-eating sharks, alligators, mountain lions, and wolves, it was just a matter of time before the left got to this point. To arms!. )

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Dare to Look Forward - Dare to Look Up

Dare to Look Forward - Dare to Look Up

It is tempting to give in to the call of Liberals to look back and be bitter. It is easy to spread anger, hate, fear, envy and anguish. It is easy to tear down, rend holes, smear and lie. Inspiring, looking forward and looking up are much, much harder.

Life teaches us that there are two types of leaders. Those who divide and pit one against another, and tailor their message to whomever is in front today and those who create a vision and path forward to focus on that which we as a people share in common.

The call today is to struggle against that which divides us and embrace that which unites us. Lead forward and upwards. Dare to take the harder path. To arms!


Sunday, August 22, 2004

To Arms


My fellow Republicans and independents:

Can you sit back and watch as your community and country get decided for you?
Its time to heed the call of Paul Revere and take up your best weapon in defense of your community and country. The best weapon you have isn’t a flintlock. It’s your heart, mind and voice. We have met the threat and they are among us. Too long we have slept. 2000 was a wake up call. As busy as we are making this great land work, we are all called upon this year more than ever to be heard. The liberals are coming and they are playing for keeps.

If you refuse to forget that which divides us and focus on that which unites us or if you are content to let others heed the call while you slumber and not make your side be heard, then we are lost.

Ask yourselves only one question. Can you bet your, your family’s and countrymen’s lives on John F. Kerry? Because, if you don’t heed the call and be heard, you will be.

Be heard. To arms!!